Memory Resource Center
Resources for older adults with memory impairment.
Memory Resource Center
The CARING Memory Resource Center, which is located in Mays Landing, is a social daycare program available Monday through Friday for those sixty years of age and older with a memory impairment. Participants enjoy a safe and secure environment that is highlighted by the experienced, compassionate staff. Stimulating, therapeutic activities include board and card games, arts and crafts, chair exercises, reminiscing, parties, and trips
Assistance with personal care is provided in the completely accessible CARING Memory Resource Center. Tasty lunches are made fresh daily in the CARING kitchen. Transportation is provided in fully accessible vehicles.
The CARING Memory Resource Center is available to Atlantic County residents sixty years of age or older who have memory loss, and receive care from an unpaid caregiver. For more information, please call Fred Meineke at (609) 485-0424 or email fmeineke@caringinc.org.
The CARING Memory Resource Center day program receives funding by Atlantic County Government through the Older Americans Act Title IIIE and SSBG.
Caring for Caregivers
CARING for Caregivers provides respite to Atlantic County families who are caring for someone at home, sixty years of age or older, with memory impairment. Respite includes three hours of in-home care per week by a trained companion--enabling the caregiver to have some time for themselves. Companion care is a weekly friendly visit to spend time with the person experiencing memory impairment--assistance with personal care is not provided.
For more information about the CARING for caregivers program, please call Fred Meineke at (609) 485-0424 or email fmeineke@caringinc.org.
The CARING for Caregivers respite program is funded by Atlantic County Government through the Older Americans Act Title IIIE and SSBG.
Caregiver Support & Eductional Services
Caregiver Support and Educational Services are offered monthly at the CARING Memory Resource Center. Information includes understanding the diseases that cause memory loss and their progression, resources available to caregivers, and tips for providing care to those experiencing memory loss. Opportunities for mutual support plus exchanging ideas and concerns are the basis for the support group.
Unique to CARING’s Caregiver Support and Educational Service, the person with memory loss may attend the CARING Memory Resource Center social daycare program while their caregiver participates--in a separate area--in the support and education group.
Unpaid caregivers of Atlantic County residents with memory loss who are sixty years of age and older are invited to participate. Please call Fred Meineke at (609) 485-0424 or email fmeineke@caringinc.org for more information.
CARING’s Caregiver Support and Educational Services are funded by Atlantic County Government through the Older Americans Act Title IIIE and SSBG.